Short-Term Disability
Offered within the workplace, this coverage acts as a safeguard for your income in situations where you're unable to work due to an accident or illness.
Short-term Coverage
Short-term disability pays a percentage of your salary if you become temporarily disabled, meaning that you are not able to work for a short period of time due to sickness or injury. This does not include on-the-job injuries, which are covered by workers compensation insurance.
A standard Short-term disability policy provides you with a weekly portion of your salary, usually 50, 60, or 66 2/3 percent for up to 13 to 26 weeks. Most Short-term disability policies have a "cap," meaning you receive a maximum benefit amount per month.

Benefits Timeline
Generally you start receiving money from your Short-term disability policy within one to 14 days after becoming sick or disabled. The actual time for coverage to begin will depend on whether you suffer an illness or injury.
If you suffer an injury, your benefits will be paid immediately. If you suffer an illness, it will take longer because there needs to be enough time to show that the illness is grave enough to be disabling.
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